Let's Play
As You Create
Creative Energy Healing Through the Chakras
Create Art to Raise Your Vibration
It’s all about energy.
I’m a creative spiritual practitioner and shaman (of Siberian descent) who uses energy work, yoga and art to facilitate healing in those looking to remove blockages like past trauma, confidence issues, anxiety and other systemic issues so that you can regain your energy, health and vitality.
Energy constitutes all of existence. Our very cells vibrate with energetic frequencies that are interconnected with everything in the universe.
There is an electromagnetic field emanating from our bodies, known as the aura, that is our life force energy extending from the intricate cells of our bodies out into the world, attracting that which is of similar vibration as our own.
We create the reality of our lives through our energetic vibration, consciously or not. With intention and action, we hold the power to transmute our energetic body and shape our internal environment, which directly correlates with what we experience externally.
Trauma, negative energy patterns and rigid beliefs all vibrate at lower frequency levels and are often culprits of why we feel stuck in our lives. Fortunately, humans are instinctual beings with the ability to feel, response and reflect. We possess the innate ability to heal even the most debilitating traumatic injuries, which are trapped in the nervous system from a lack of resolve, wreaking havoc on our bodies and spirits.
Located along our spine are energy wheels called chakras that govern the flow of our life force, correlating with our physical, emotional, mental and soul layers of the body, not to mention the body’s glands and the endocrine system. When we understand the chakra system and learn how to keep them in balance by moving stagnant energy, trauma or dis-ease from their vibration, we simultaneously heal the physical body. Through quantum healing, our energetic body becomes lighter and vibrant and allows us the capability to govern our internal processes, which in turn helps us align better with our intended paths in the external world. We become our own catalyst for self transformation.
My intention as a healer is to give my clients the proper tools they need to move their energy and feel at home within themselves.
Set a date to come back to your true vitality.
No artistic or yoga experience is necessary for my healings, just beginners curiosity. 🙂
The Power of Art Healing
Color is a power which directly influences the soul.
– Wassily Kandinsky.
The position of the artist is humble. He is essentially a channel.
-Piet Mondrian
Creativity is harnessing universality and making it glow through your eyes.
-Peter Koestenbaum